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Hockey School Program

The Washington Capitals Hockey School program, presented by Capital One, is aimed at providing access and introducing the sport of hockey to children in elementary and middle school. The program is currently implemented in over 1,601 local schools reaching over 1,052,294 students annually and includes free equipment and a custom curriculum.

A Capitals Hockey School Milestone Event

Current Counties Offered

Maryland Virginia Washington D.C.
Anne Arundel County Alexandria City Ward 1
Baltimore City Arlington County Ward 2
Baltimore County Clarke County Ward 3
Calvert County Culpeper County Ward 4
Caroline County Fairfax County Ward 5
Carroll County Frederick County Ward 6
Charles County Fredericksburg City Ward 7
Frederick County Hanover County Ward 8
Garrett County Loudoun County
Howard County Manassas City
Kent County Prince William County
Montgomery County
Prince George's County
Queen Anne's County
St. Mary's County
Wicomico County

Benefits to the Students

  • Take part in and learn about the game of hockey
  • Introduction to a game they may not have been able to experience before
  • Opportunity to have guest appearances and taught by members of the Washington Capitals' staff

Benefits to the School

  • Donation of hockey equipment (sticks, nets, balls, pucks)
  • P.E. teachers will receive a standardized curriculum following SHAPE America's National requirements
  • Capitals Youth Hockey Development staff will visit schools upon request
  • Schools can reach out to the Capitals Youth Hockey Development staff for help in answering questions related to hockey